Naughty Nurse KokoNovember 2nd, 2009
Hey guys, well my Halloween was a DISASTER! Thurs night I came down with the flu, a trip to the hospital @ 2 am confirmed it was H1N1. Oh joy. So needless to say the party was cancelled, but amazingly enough I only spent 2 full days feeling really sick. I holed up here with my roomie (also sick) and we watched movies and ate soup and Halloween candy. The last of which prolly wasn’t the best idea but I refused to have a Halloween without candy! I was shocked to hear how many people were going out to party even tho they knew they were sick, so I suspect even more of my friends will catch it this week if they haven’t already. Now the doctor specifically said I had H1N1 aka Swine Flu (ew) but I didn’t find the symptoms that bad, no worse then any other annual flu. By day 3 I was able to function again ^_^ I hope all of you had a more exciting Halloween then I did lol!
It wouldn’t be Halloween if I didn’t post some silly costume pics.. I wanted to do the ZoMbIe NuRsE, but I’m too lazy to do all the make-up right now so you’ll have to make do with these instead ;P
<3 Koko Bliss
you’re Hot!
i want more than that!
Ummm… Nurse KoKo, My blood pressure just went up!
I’m so sorry you got sick
Glad to hear you are feeling a little bit better
I would send you some soup if I could but you are a tiny bit too far
So I’m sending you good vibrations instead
Thanks for adding my blog in to your list I will do it on my site too
Take Care!
Ariel xxxx
love the pic”s korina nice very nice
Oh wow, very nice!
Shame about the flu though, hope you get better
Oooo a Bonus bum shot
Love the outfit even more
Hope you’re feeling better
hope ya feel better darlin
the photos are sexy by the way ;}
Marry me Now! Doctors and Nurses make such great couples…
Do want
very nice!
aw thanks everyone! I’m fully recovered now. It was only 2 days of feeling really sick, now I just have annoying sniffles bleh :S
<3 Koko Bliss
wow… perfect body! Check my temperature anytime